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Lawton Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025 | LPS Oklahoma

This page contains the major holiday dates and a calendar preview for Lawton Public Schools in Oklahoma. If you are a part of this school district then make sure to check out the school calendar that is now available for the 2024-2025 academic year. Through Lawton Public Schools Calendar, you get to know the dates of academic events and holidays. A school year is a mix of instructional and days and holidays. Instructional days are the days on which students are required to attend school and holidays are the days on which schools are closed for students. A good school calendar is the one that has a well balanced mix of both instructional and holiday dates.

As Per Wiki: Lawton Public Schools is a public school district based in Lawton, Oklahoma, United States. LPS serves a diverse population of 13,670 students and employs nearly 2,000 staff members.

Holiday Breaks in Lawton Public Schools 2024-2025

Holiday breaks are provided in an academic year to give students a well deserved break from academics. Holidays are best time to rest, relax, and enjoy. This is a perfect time to spend some quality time with family or friends. Holidays are important for an overall development of students. We often neglect the importance of holidays, make your holidays more fun and productive by planning them well.

2024-2025 Important Dates

  Event  Dates
  First Day of School  14 Aug 2024
  Fall Break  14 Oct 2024 to 18 Oct 2024
  Thanksgiving Break  25 Nov 2024 to 29 Nov 2024
  Christmas Break  23 Dec 2024 to 3 Jan 2025
  Spring Break  17 Mar 2025 to 21 Mar 2025
  Last Day of School  22 May 2025

Please note there could be mistakes or discrepancies while typing these dates, please check out the full school calendar to cross examine the dates.

Lawton Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025

Lawton Public Schools provides a wide-range of courses and extra-curricular activities for an overall development of students. The focus of the school system is to serve students with best academic opportunities and prepare them to be life ready graduates. The school district has released the Lawton Public Schools Calendar to inform both students and teachers about the dates of important academic events and holidays.

Lawton Public Schools Calendar

Download Links:

The link of the official calendar page is shared above, click on the link to download a school calendar in printable and digital format. Make sure to have a copy of school calendar with you to stay informed and updated about the important academic dates for the entire 2024-2025 school year.

Important Note: is not the official website of any school, this is just an informational website that provides information related to school calendars and holidays. Do check your school’s official website for an up-to-date and updated school calendar.

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